CJC-1295 - 5mg - BIO-PEPTIDE

40,00 €

New product

Product: CJC-129
Manufacturer: Bio Peptide
Quantity: 5mg
Package: 10ml
Steroid cycle: growth
Active principle: CJC-129

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The main properties of the peptides of the CJC-1295
►Increase the appetite; ► strengthening the immune system;
►The quality of muscle growth; Stimulation of growth hormone secretion
►Enhancement of the immune system; ► Fat burning effects.

CJC-1295 is a Tetra substituted peptide hormone consisting of 30 amino acids. In its details and action it is similar to somatoliberin - natural human growth hormone stimulant (somatotropin). In other words, the effect of the CJC-1295 peptide course causes not only muscle growth but increased strength, endurance, and also has a significant fat burning effect.
In its cell wall peptide belongs to the group of stimulation of the secretion of somatotropin hormones GHRH. In the pituitary gland of any organism, there is a constant deposit of growth hormone and GHRH hormones, which in turn is responsible for the number of secretory cells and the level synthesized by the pituitary gland of growth hormone.
Also, a number of studies have found that in clinical practice this drug can also be used. Some media enthusiastically talk about the fact that using this medication daily at bedtime (once) will achieve a perfect anti-aging effect. To date, this drug is legal and is used in medicine as a means to combat premature aging.
In bodybuilding and weightlifting, this peptide is used exclusively in the form of multiple injections. A heavy injection program used to achieve the perfect anabolic effect.
The main advantage of the peptide CJC-1295 is a peptide that awakens the human body to synthesize somatotropin (growth hormone). But the use of this drug in combination with other peptides of the GHRH group (GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Hexarelin) are able to exert a mutual reinforcement of the effects of somatotropin release, which is very useful for lifters of weights and bodybuilders.
CJC-1295 - 5mg - BIO-PEPTIDES

Side effects after administration of CJC-1295 peptide
In numerous studies of peptide CJC-1295 Peptides harmful side effects. In contrast, the drug significantly increased the immune system's test properties. It is also worth noting an important fact - CJC-1295 administered even in childhood and adolescence.
When injection (intramuscular or subcutaneous) injection of peptide CJC-1295 possible hardly noticeable discomfort, burning sensation or slight redness at the site of injection, but these symptoms within 5-10 minutes, disappear without a trace.
How to Take a Course on Peptide CJC-1295
The use of peptides of I / m (intramuscular) or s / C (subcutaneous) injection is unlikely because of the complexity athlete, but anyway of each injection requires some experience and a minimum knowledge of.
The first point to be careful of the athlete, it is safe to take CJC-1295 please observe absolutely all safety regulations of drug dilution and execution of injections.
The second point is the important question, little by little resulting from the previous - where to inject the injection? Everything is simple and clear - CJC-1295вводится intramuscularly (I / m) or subcutaneous (s / C). About what, how and where to puncture, in this article we will not stop.
The action and effect of CJC-1295 peptide directly depends on the dose and the number of injections. The recommended dose for bodybuilders and athletes - no more than 1-2 μg / kg body weight, up to 3 injections per day.
To achieve a greater effect of the injection of peptide CJC-1295 it is necessary to introduce no later than one hour before eating and not before 1 hour after a meal. Such specificity is caused by the specific mechanism of somatotropin production: during digestion the body's production of growth hormone is greatly reduced, significantly reducing the effect of injection.
Athletes in the preparation of peptides CJC-1295
A large number of athletes and athletes, the course host of this drug peptide, being completely satisfied
the result of it. Throughout the time (and considerable time) we have not seen any negative feedback on the peptide CJC-1295. In addition, the peptide attracts the attention of novices and experienced athletes as to their important function - it may be advantageously combined with other peptides.

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CJC-1295 - 5mg - BIO-PEPTIDE

CJC-1295 - 5mg - BIO-PEPTIDE

Product: CJC-129
Manufacturer: Bio Peptide
Quantity: 5mg
Package: 10ml
Steroid cycle: growth
Active principle: CJC-129